Piston kit ad. Puch Cobra 74 cc. (1 ring) (special reed valve modification)

Piston kit ad. Puch Cobra 74 cc. (1 ring) (special reed valve modification)

Code Manufacturer ref. Name
PI.56.480.L 2822000L Piston kit ad. Puch Cobra 74 cc. D.48,00 (1 ring) (special reed valve modification)
PI.56.482.L 2822025L Piston kit ad. Puch Cobra 74 cc. D.48,25 (1 ring) (special reed valve modification)
PI.56.485.L 2822050L Piston kit ad. Puch Cobra 74 cc. .48,50 (1 ring) (special reed valve modification)
PI.56.487.L 2822075L Piston kit ad. Puch Cobra 74 cc. D.48,75 (1 ring) (special reed valve modification)
PI.56.490.L 2822100L Piston kit ad. Puch Cobra 74 cc. D.49,00 (1 ring) (special reed valve modification)
Altura Cabeza:2,6
Diametro Bulón:14
Número segmentos: 1 x 1 F.I.Cr.
Ventana avance admsión (láminas)

Para cilindros con camisa de hierro.
Para camisa de cromo Ø48,50 (Ref. 2822050L)

Pistón con orificio de avance de admisión, especial para caja de láminas ITALKIT (LC.56.1) adaptable a cilindros Puch Cobra 75cc, tranformación a admisión por láminas.
Intake hole (reed valve system)
For cylinders iron cast sleeve.
For cylinders chromed sleeve Ø48 (Ref. 2822050L)

Piston kit with hole on intake side, special for ITALKIT reed valve cage (LC.56.1) adaptable to cylinders Puch Cobra 75cc, modification to reed valve system.

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